
3年上榜!建领城达三度载誉Benchmark Litigation亚太地区“建设工程”榜单!三位合伙人荣获“争议解决之星”称号!

信息来源:建领城达所  时间:2024-05-07  作者:建领城达所

2024年5月7日,国际知名法律评级机构Benchmark Litigation发布了2024亚太地区争议解决律所及律师排行榜。建领城达三度上榜亚太地区“建设工程”榜单,继主任周吉高律师连续三年获评建设工程领域“争议解决之星”称号后,高级合伙人王敏律师、高级合伙人王凌俊律师首次荣获建设工程领域“争议解决之星”称号!

Benchmark Litigation作为专注于全球争议解决领域的知名法律评级机构,是该领域的权威参考指南。此次Benchmark Litigation亚太榜单“建设工程”领域中国地区共有18位律师上榜,3名建领城达律师被推荐为“争议解决之星”,建领城达是该地区领域入选律师最多的律所之一。这进一步体现了建领城达在建设工程争议解决领域的专业服务能力和行业影响力。

建领城达连续多年入选钱伯斯、The Legal 500、Benchmark Litigation等全球法律评级机构的各类榜单,充分彰显了事务所及律师的专业实力、客户美誉度和行业影响力。建领城达将继续发挥处理重大、疑难、复杂案件的专业优势,为客户提供全流程服务,最大限度保障客户的合法权益。


Shanghai JianLingChengDa Law Firm's lawyers have rich experience in the field of construction engineering and real estate. They are expanding in the fields of corporate governance, enforcement, bankruptcy, and disposal of non-performing assets. The team is integrated and managed so that it can mobilise multiple teams to provide cross-disciplinary professional legal services.”


Wang Min possesses a unique combination of qualities that contribute to her exceptional legal practice. With a strong sense of affinity, she establishes a strong rapport with clients. Additionally, her impressive professional ability ensures the provision of high-quality legal services. Furthermore, she delivers efficient and prompt service, emphasising a commitment to client satisfaction.


Attorney Wang is personally involved and meticulous in managing our litigation projects. The legal team under his management is rigorous and of high work quality. Whether it's communication and coordination, drafting litigation plans, or court trials and enforcement preservation, they have all left a deep impression.”
