
The Legal 500 建设工程国别指南(中国篇)·第四期

信息来源:建领城达所  时间:2022-06-15  作者:建领城达所

编者按上海建领城达律师事务所主任周吉高律师接受国际知名法律评级机构The Legal 500的邀请,撰写建设工程国别指南(中国篇)。近日,The Legal 500已正式在其官网发布该指南。“建领城达”公众号将对该指南的全部内容进行分期推送,本文为第四期,以飨读者!

Other contract terms


Q17:Do contracts commonly contain liquidated delay damages provisions and are these upheld by the courts?


A17:The setting of liquidated delay damages clauses is common for construction contracts in China. In principle, as long as the contract is valid, the court will support the claim for liquidated delay damages, but the court will also determine the specific amount of liquidated delay damages based on the actual performance of the contract, the degree of fault of the parties and other circumstances, and there may be discretionary adjustments.


Q18:Are the parties able to exclude or limit liability?


A18:Yes, the parties can. Usually, judicial practice will usually uphold the validity of a clause as long as it is based on the true intention of the parties to the contract and there are no circumstances in which it is invalid under the law.

In addition, if one party takes advantage of its own advantage or the other party's lack of experience, resulting in a clear inequality of rights and obligations between the parties as set out in the contract, in which case the contract may be considered manifestly unfair, a party may seek to rescind the contract.



Q19:Are there any restrictions on termination? Can parties terminate for convenience? Force majeure?


A19:Chinese law does not give the parties to a construction contract the right to terminate it at will, but the parties may stipulate terms in the contract which are contractual.Under our law, the parties are entitled to terminate the contract if the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved due to a force majeure event.



A20:What rights are commonly granted to third parties (e.g. funders, purchasers, renters) and, if so, how is this achieved?


Q20:In order to protect the rights and interests of third parties, especially many investors, it is often stipulated in the contract that the third party has the right to review the payment schedule and supporting documents, review or approve drawings or specifications, and the right to set up a fund co-management account with the third party.


Q21:Do contracts typically contain strict provisions governing notification of claims for additional time and money which act as conditions precedent to bringing claims? Does your jurisdiction recognise such notices as conditions precedent?


A21:Typically, the contract will stipulate that a notice of intent to claim and a claim report will be submitted in accordance with a specific procedure and at a specified time, otherwise there may be a risk of loss of rights. The Model Text of Construction Contracts for Construction Projects issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce has designed special clauses.


Q22:What insurances are the parties required to hold? And how long for?



(1) All risks of construction works and all risks of installation works shall be insured by the contractor according to law.

(1) 建筑工程一切险和安装工程一切险,法律规定由发包人投保。

(2) Construction of accident insurance, generally insured by the contractor.

(2) 建设意外伤害保险,一般由承包人投保。

The insurance period of the above two types of insurance is as follows. The insurance period is from the date of commencement of the construction project to the date of completion and acceptance.


(3) Accidental death insurance benefits are generally insured by the contractor


(4) Accidental disability insurance benefits are generally insured by the contractor


The insurance period of the above two types of insurance is a certain period of time (generally 180 days) from the date of occurrence of accidental injury of the insured.



