
Lexology GTDT《PPP专章问答(中国篇)》第一期

信息来源:建领城达所  时间:2023-03-22  作者:建领城达所


国家发改委及财政部 PPP双库专家、上海建领城达律师事务所首席合伙人周吉高律师以及负责PPP业务板块的合伙人李瑞升律师受邀作为独家撰稿人,为国际知名法律咨询平台Lexology GTDT撰写《2023年PPP专章问答(中国篇)》。“建领城达”公众号将对问答内容进行分期推送,本文为第一期。

Lexology GTDT是国际知名的法律咨询门户网站,通过与超过900家世界顶级律师事务所和法律服务提供方的合作,汇集了超过80个业务领域、150个重要司法辖区的专家撰写的独家法律信息资源。Lexology GTDT 的“市场动态”系列专访有助于读者了解全球主要司法辖区法律和监管环境的演变情况。

建领城达律师事务所主任、首席合伙人:周吉高。复旦大学法律硕士、中国科学院工学硕士、同济大学工学学士。兼任中华全国律师协会建设工程与房地产专业委员会副主任、国家发改委及财政部PPP“双库专家”等社会职务。擅长建设工程、房地产领域的各类专业法律服务。累计为70余家施工企业、70余家房地产公司(集团)提供建筑房地产专业法律服务。凭借在建设工程领域的高胜诉率、客户满意度和市场口碑,周吉高律师连续多年被钱伯斯、The Legal 500、Benchmark Litigation等国际知名法律评级机构评为推荐律师。


General PPP framework




Question1:How has the concept of public-private partnership (PPP) developed in your jurisdiction? (Is there a statutory definition?) What types of transactions (operation and maintenance, concessions, DBFM, DBFOM, DBO, etc) are permitted and commonly used in your jurisdiction?


Response1:According to Regulations on Cooperation between Government and Social Capital in Infrastructure and Public Services (Draft for Comments), Article 2 : The government adopts competitive methods to select social capitalists. Both parties enter into an agreement to clarify their respective rights and obligations. The social capital party is responsible for the investment, construction and operation of infrastructure and public service projects, then obtains reasonable income through user fees, government fees or subsidies provided by government.


Circular of the Ministry of Finance on Issues Related to the Promotion and Application of the Cooperation Model between Government and Social Capital  (CJ [2014] No. 76) : The partnership model between government and social capital is a long-term partnership in the field of infrastructure and public services. The usual model is that social capital undertakes most of the work of designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the infrastructure, and obtains a reasonable return on investment through "user fees" and, if necessary, "government fees"; Government departments are responsible for regulating the price and quality of infrastructure and public services to ensure maximum public interest.


BOT、BOO、ROT、TOT are approved and often used.


Covered categories


Question2:What categories of public infrastructure (eg, transportation, energy, water, telecoms, social infrastructure (schools, hospitals, government buildings, prisons)) are subject to PPP transactions in your jurisdiction?


Response2:In the field of public services, the government has the obligation to provide projects, except for those that are not suitable for social capital due to national security or significant public interest.


Legislative framework


Question3:Is there a legislative framework for PPPs in your jurisdiction (eg, a concessions law), or are PPPs undertaken pursuant to general government powers as one-off transactions?


Response3:There are no laws or administrative regulations, but there are regulations and other normative documents of central and local government departments. PPP is implemented as a fixed model of a type of government investment project.


Relevant authority


Question4:Is there a centralised PPP authority or may each agency carry out its own programme? 


Response4:There is no single department in charge; the finance department and the development and reform department are jointly in charge. The finance department is responsible for the approval and management of government expenditures, and the development and reform department is responsible for project planning, approval, and management.




Question5:Are PPPs procured only at the national level or may state, municipal or other subdivision government bodies enter into PPPs? 


Response5:The implementation is usually initiated by the local government, which usually must be at the county level or above.
